Thursday, June 16, 2011


     Well I went down to the clinic for another treatment… All went well and I don’t have to go back for three weeks. At that time I will see the doctor again and see if I can stretch out the visits more. We will also be talking about my starting to get of some of the supplements.

     Can you believe how much things have changed in only six months.  When I went to the clinic the first time on January 4th 2011 I was as they say a train wreck.  I was in tremendous pain, using an electric wheelchair to get around and spending most of my days in bed.  What a change in six short months.  I am  now in remission and free of pain( for the most part).  I only have muscle pain when I over do.  Course that is hard for me, I am a type “A” personality.  I want to do everything I did before the “big crash”.

     I have been able to take care of my own yard this summer, help get the house ready to sell.  I also have completed my honey do list.  I still have things I want to get done.  But I have learned with the heat that I have to take it slow.  Our heat is now in the 90’s daily and so that seems to sap my strength.   I take a nap in the afternoon most days.  I am not cured, only in remission.  I pray for a long time… But I do understand that the beast could come back… So I have not given up my disability nor have I made plans to return to work.  I would like to think that will come, but I have to be realistic. 

     For now the doctor thinks that I will be free of chelation treatments and all the supplements by the end of this year.   I am just down to a few pills that I have to take for blood pressure and my thyroid problem.  Life is so much better not having to take 29 different prescriptions.

Till next time….   


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