Sunday, April 17, 2011


     We are working off the morphine and other chemicals that I have been taking for many years.  The morphine is going great and I am down to 90mg from 240mg per day.  I have not seen any side effects from dropping these drugs.  I quit the Vicodin (lor tab) with no side effects.  I still grab a Vicodin if I am in extra pain but that is only about once in three to four weeks.
     BUT I have been taking Ativan to help with my emotions and arachnophobia for 15 years.  This one is kicking my rear, I knew that it would be harder because I have ran out before and I get the Hebe Gebies, like snakes crawling inside me all the time.  I found out that I should have only been on this for a few months not the many years.  I was taking 1mg tab twice a day, now we have cut the night in half.  This week has been a very long week.  In two weeks we will drop the morning to one half a tab both morning and night.  I am hoping that this drug will get out of my system and will be gone in a month or so.  
     I am back to losing weight, course it helped last week when I was too sick in the stomach to eat.  But I have gone from 212 to 194.  I think it's a combination of more exercise and less sweet food.  I am excited and want to get down to about 185.  This has been a very exciting thing for me.
     My pain level is way down and it very livable, unless I do too much.  Saturday I had my son and grandson here to clean up my yard for the spring.  They pulled any weeds, trimmed my Palm Tree and mowed my lawn.  I helped some, mostly getting drinks and tools for them.  We then had a big dinner outside and I over ate.  But today I am not much worse for the wear except for the effects of the Ativan.  
     It is also exciting go know that I can get in my Truck and go if I want.  That is a freedom that I have not had for 15 years.  My mind continues to clear and I am looking at some long term goals that will be different than the life I thought I would lead.  Again I realize that this is not a cure but I don't believe I will ever be as bad as I was at the start of this adventure last January.  
     Life has really changed for me and speaking of change the Fibro and Fatigue Centers are changing their name to Chronicity Inc.  They are expanding into other areas as well to help people that are having problems with long term medical problems.  See more information at  

     I hope this blog has helped you and I would love to hear from you and see your response.

Till next time;