Thursday, March 22, 2012

How my faith helped me with my chronic illness

(This is an excerpt from my book “OUT OF THE FIBRO FOG” which will be out later this year.)

I have been blessed with a strong faith in God that has helped me through my long illness.  I have had Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue since 1975.  This illness is one that is very hard because others can’t see it and question you all the time.  I have found that there are those who can see in my eyes the pain I was in and understood, but in general most people don’t understand.  I have been supported by my wife how loves me and knows that I would not just quit working and take to a bed if I didn’t have to.  Both my, now adult sons, suffer with fibromyalgia as well.  They have also been supportive and helped in any way that they could, especially our youngest son, who has always lived near us. He has taking me to doctor’s appointments and helping with thing around the house that I could not do.

It’s really hard when family and friends don’t understand and are not willing to help in any way.  Depression is a big part of any chronic illness and when you are ignored by those you need most it hurts in many ways.  I have to admit when the pain got overwhelming I did consider ending my life several times, but my faith in God and my love for my family keep me going.  I have chatted with lots of others over the years encouraging them, even when I didn’t have any hope of feeling better.  I have had over a dozen people tell me that just being there for them keep them from taking their lives.

I have seen the ugly side of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue over the years.  I lived on morphine for many years because of the intense pain.  I never understood why God allowed me to go through this illness till last year.  I now believe that he allowed me to suffer so that I could understand what others have to go through.  

I created this blog because I saw a way that might help me overcome my disease.  I wanted to let my fibro friends see what life was like before I started this treatment and all along the way.  
God spoke to my heart and told me that this treatment would work.  I waited till my wife was ready for us to do this together.  She had become sure that nothing would work for me and was concerned that the money would be wasted.  I just prayed that if this was what we were to do she would have peace like I had. That day came and we made the trip to the clinic. 

God has been so good to me in the year 2011, because of this treatment I no longer use a wheelchair, am able to drive again, don’t need all those medicines just to exist.  Ninety percent of my symptoms are gone and I am able to live a near normal life.  Am I cured NO but I will take how I am now any day over the way I was.  I have often though of Paul in the New Testament who was afflicted with a medical problem.  God didn’t cure him either, just to make sure he didn’t forget, but God used him in a mighty way.  I am no Paul, but I believe God has some great plans for us in the next few years.  

We started volunteering at two different Christian ministries within seven months of my starting treatment.  We are regulars there now and plan to build a home near them so we can be of more help to them. 

I now work even more to get the word out that there is life after fibro.  I was told that I was the worse case that this group of clinics had ever seen.  Yet with God’s help I made so much progress in a very short time.  They made sure that anyone from the home office saw me when they were in town.  I have had the opportunity to meet and talk to some wonderful people because of this.  Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum has been a driving force in fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue treatment for many years.  He developed the SHINE protocol (see earlier post or articles on my site for more info).  He has helped me create my website ( so I can help others with these chronic illnesses.  Because Dr. Teitelbaum has suffered with chronic fatigue he does understand what we have gone through.  He is now the medical director for Chronicity Inc. (the group of clinics that I went to).  He spends his time teaching other doctors how to treat these chronic illnesses and doing research into the treatment of fibro and chronic fatigue. 

There is life after fibro/cfs and with some effort on your part you don’t have to see your health deteriorate like mine did.

God Bless you