Monday, August 22, 2011


I had my last scheduled chelation (IV) this last week.  The doctor thinks that they have done all that they will do for me and I agree.  I have not seen a lot of improvement because of them for a couple of months.  They say now that you only normally need six chelation treatments in the beginning to get your system going.  Then the supplements will take over and continue the process. 
This will save us the cost of travel, hotels and food in restaurants when traveling, that will help a lot.  I was surprised at how much we have spent in medical travel expenses this year.  More than the medical treatment and because it’s in Las Vegas Nevada the hotels are all below $50.00 per night(where we stay).  
I just ordered all my supplements again and learned that I still have three problems.  The latest blood test came back to show that I am loosing Iron.  The doctor said that it’s unusual for a male to have his Iron content drop.  He thinks I must be bleeding either in my kidneys or in my gut.  My testosterone level is still low and he suggested I up my dosage.  Also my Aldosterone level is low, (a hormone that the adrenal glands make).  So he has put me on an additional supplement to help this. 
I will be seeing my MD at the VA this week and will request that she check me to find out where I am loosing Iron.  Also will have her increase my Testosterone by half again so that my levels will be in line. 
I am dealing with some pain from sleeping on a hard bed for two nights while in Las Vegas.  But if you’re a fibro patient you know that these usually resolve themselves in about three days.  So I should be good to go tomorrow. 
Another trip this week to Salt Lake City to see several specialist at the VA hospital.  I am having a spot checked on my back for cancer.  Also will be getting two new pair’s of glasses ordered.  I wear one to drive and normal things and the second pair has prisms to allow me to read better.  These became necessary after what can only be described as a stroke in 2008.  There is no evidence of a stroke in my MRI but the eye specialist said that is the only thing that explains my eye problems.  It was necessary to have eye surgery to correct my sight problems after this event. 

Till next time…
