Sunday, April 24, 2011


     Now that I can get around without my wheelchair and can drive a car... Watch out for me... I am everywhere...

     I still have my electric wheelchair in the back of my truck for when I have to walk in big stores or a mall.  But I have not used it in over a month.  We went to a car show on Saturday and I walked and my wife who just had knee replacement a month ago, use my wheelchair.  I had a great time and got to talk to lots of people.  I am telling everyone that will listen, about my life changing experience.  The people at FCC or Chronicity Inc. as they are now known are great and with the chelation treatment I am doing so much better.  Last Monday we canceled my Aid that came daily to get me up, showered and dressed.  I told them I didn't need the service anymore.  I am the first patient that has ever gotten better and canceled the service with them.

     We spent the day with my son and his family.  What a great Easter for us, they are expecting a new baby girl any day now.   I helped him install a new sink in his garage.  He needed help figuring out what parts he needed and then we went to Home Depot and I helped him pick out the parts.  Only one trip and we had all the right parts.

     We will be putting our home up for sale in the next two weeks.  This is the cost for me to be able to go to Clinicity for treatment.  Both my wife and I agree that it was well worth it.  I have been in bed for 15 years and now we are going to travel for a few years.  We will be ordering a new travel trailer this week and in two months when it's ready we will pick it up back in the east.  As we travel I will use the other 15 locations for Chronicity to help with my treatment.  We plan to spend much of the summer in Michigan, part of the time with my wife's folks who are getting older.  They are 85 and 89 and dad has Alzheimer really bad.  I am not sure he will know me.  Then we plan to visit many of our friends around Michigan.  We will also try to get to both of our family reunions.  This will be the first time we have since 2006 so we are looking forward to it.  We will travel through Northern Michigan and see friends in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Carolina, and to South Carolina to spend some time with my dad and step mother.  Then in the late fall we will be going to Texas to see  our son and his family.  Before we return to Utah for Christmas.  After that we will winter in Southern Arizona.  With not having the cost of a house we will be very comfortable traveling.

    Keep an eye on this blog and see all the things that I am able to do this Year.  THIS IS MY YEAR TO START ENJOYING LIFE AGAIN.

Was it worth having to sell the house... YES!!!!!!!

     We will eventually return to Utah and build a new home.  My wife and I have been planning a home that will fit our needs and be user friendly for people that are handicapped.  We are excited to be able to travel and enjoy our beautiful country.

     Please pray that God will guide us and continue to see improvement in my health.  I will probably never be cured in this lifetime.  First some scientist or doctor will have to discover the cause of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue.  Then they will have to find a cure.  But to have the strength and not be in pain is so wonderful.

Till Next Time...