Sunday, May 29, 2011


     My doctor told me some very interesting things which I would like to share. First of all he told me that some patients get addicted to being ill. They like the attention of a chronic illness, and when they are told that there is no cure they totally believe it. Yes I know there is no cure for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, but there are things that you can do that can take away the pain and get your life back. Second if they do go somewhere that has a good treatment, they don’t expect to get better and don’t. Even when they spend many thousands of dollars a year for treatment, the pain meds, and the companionship of others that really do understand will hamper their recovery.

      I am a skeptic and don’t take anything at face value. Especially as it pertains to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Too many times I have hoped for a cure over the years and it didn’t happen. Our CDC was given money for ten years to do research on Fibromyalgia, I was hopeful that they could make some great strides. Then a whistle blower came forward to state that the CDC had diverted all the money to other projects and none was spent as congress had appropriated, for fibromyalgia research.

     The power of positive thinking is one tool that we all have to help ourselves. Another is watching what we eat. Our eating habits are more important that almost anything improving out immune system and how we feel daily. This has been a struggle for me because I was raised on a farm where you worked hard and eat hard. Now I understand how important the right foods that we put in our mouths are for our health.

      Be open to different treatments, I had allergies very bad and it was really affecting my health. I could no longer process dairy products, eat any kind of nuts from a tree and had lots of environmental allergies. I was pointed to a kinesiologist by another doctor of mine. I didn’t understand what this was all about but was at a place where I needed to know. This doctor ran a device up my spine then he put a vial of the item I was allergic to in my sock. He said to keep this vial on my body for twenty four hours. After that I had no more problems with that particular item. I returned till he had all my allergies under control. Did I understand what he was doing? Not in the least but it worked and after sending friends to him, they had the same success. This opened my eyes to other forms of medicine besides the traditional, which for the most part had failed me.

     When I learned about chelation therapy I was again skeptical, but I wanted to know more. I contacted over one hundred people to see if the therapy worked. These people were random and all thought there were some varying degrees of success, they all said it was worth it. The common theme was, be sure to follow the plan set out for you by your doctor. When I went to get this treatment the staff thought I was a train wreck and didn’t think they could help me. But the doctor felt that there was some hope and they started treatment that day. Now just five months later I am a totally different person. What I want to say is don’t dismiss new forms of treatment without at least investigating them. No nothing works for everyone with these diseases, but it’s sure never to work if you are not open to them and are willing to at least investigate new treatment that comes along. Am I cured of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue? NO and at the rate medical science is going, I don’t expect a cure in my lifetime. But do I have to live with pain and be bedridden, absolutely “NO”. Just keep an open mind; twenty thousand patients have come through the centers that I started last January 4th. I have yet to hear one patient tell me that it wasn’t worth every penny.

Till next time,


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