Friday, December 31, 2010


Friends and Relatives:  This is going to be my year 2011... the year I come out of the life of the living dead to a real person again.  I believe God is going to help me to feel better through the  Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Center in Las Vegas.  We are headed there on Monday.  We will be staying at Nellis AFB.  We also expect to do some shopping at their mall.  Then early Tuesday I meet with my doctor and they will start my treatments.  They will also send me to a lab to have as many as 40 tubes of blood taken.  I already know that I will get sicker as they attack some of the viruses' and other deceases that are in my system. 
Please pray for me that this is God's will for my life.  I understand why he allowed me to get sick.  I have been able to talk to lots of people that I wouldn't otherwise.  Now I want to get better so he can use me in the next phase of my life.
May God bless all of you this year and it be a great year for you as well.  Your Friend FMSJerry....

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


     I am sorry I have not been here this last week, but when we have rain like we have had mixed with cooler weather than normal for the desert southwest it has been hard on my body.  Thank God for my laptop so I can work from bed.

     I have put together my suggestions for how to apply for Social Security and get Approved.  It is available on my tab about "Social Security" on the top of the page..  You are welcome to print it out by pressing <CTRL> <PRINT SCREEN>.  It will be sent to your printer.  BTW you can use this to print out any web page.  If you have Microsoft 7 you can also use the neat new feature of Snipping Tool.  You use it to outline anything you want on a web page and paste it to your wordprocessor or paint program.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


     I still have my January 4th appointment anyways.  I have lived with this CRUD for 15 years, I guess I can make it another month.  I have been really down in bed this first part of the month.  We are having winter storms after winter storms. (All it dose here is change the barometer.)  But that is what make me hurt the worst.

     My friend Joe is playing Santa again this year in Grand Rapids Michigan.  Jim also has FMS but he is able to drive and play Santa (for extra cash).  He receives social security but that is all the income he has, besides playing Santa.  His wonderful wife works as a secretary in a church so she is not getting rich either.  They are a wonderful couple and we have known then for about fourteen years.

     My next letter will be about how to make an application to Social Security when you have FMS/ CFS and be successful.  It took me twenty two months to be approved.  I was the first person to be approved for FMS/CFS in Michigan.  (so they told me)  Look for this post because it will give you all the tips you need to be successful in  your application.

     BTW (by the way) leave me a line when you come to see these post.  It will encourage me.  I can see when people look at this Blog and what country or state they are from.  I just would love to know your name and any questions you have on FMS/CFS.  I have been speaking on FMS/ CFS topics for about 12 years now.  Also if your husband does not believe your really sick... have him get in touch with me or give me his e-address and I will contact him.  Another male talking to males seems to make the difference.  Many women have had me help with their husband.  I would be glad to help you also.  My e-address is  Now you know how to write me privately also.

Have a great Sunday, the weather channel says we will be at 62 degrees tomorrow.  I hope I can get out.

Till next time,  Your friend Jerry

Sunday, December 5, 2010


     I have decided to see if I can start at the clinic this month.  We decided that the sooner I get started the sooner I will start to feel better.  If you don't have FM/CFS you don't understand but this feels like a death sentence because it gets worse and worse.  If left alone I would die of some underlying decease because of the mess my immune system is in now.  It's kind of like having Aids,  as far as I know you don't die of FM/CFS but many other things will eventually kill me.  I will be calling tomorrow to find out how soon I can start.  We will go down tomorrow if it can get started that soon.   I will let you all know what happens after I call...