Tuesday, October 26, 2010


     I can't believe it's Tuesday already.  The weather has been so bad here I have spent the weekend in bed.  My whole body hurts when it's raining and windy.  I have my laptop right at my bed but I didn't even fell like turning that on.  Anyone that has Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue knows what I mean. 

     We are planning our finances to be able to afford the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Clinic visits starting in January.  We have a budget and I spent some time on that yesterday planning our new budget for 2011.  We have 13.38 left after everything is paid.  We are selling our home to be able to afford this as well.  Rent now is much cheeper than ownership.  We will be renting for seven or eight years.  There are houses for rent not far from here so we won't have to leave the community that we have lived in for almost 13 years.

     Our son and his wife are building a new home clear on the other side of the valley.  It's about 20 miles to their house.  They are only 5 miles away now.  We love to kidnap our grandson for a weekend when we can.  We have not seen much of them this whole year.  They have been so busy building this house.  My son also has worked some really long weeks.  Two weeks ago he worked 77 hours in the first four days.  He took friday off and did some extra sleeping.

     Well I have a few things to do and need to go see a neighbor that is fighting cancer.  Talk to you all later.