Monday, May 16, 2011


     I was able to get off the last addictive drug this weekend.  It feels great not to be on pain medications any more.   The difference is the chelation treatments that I get at the Fibro and Fatigue Center.   They have taken all the pain away.   I am now going every other week for two days of treatment.  What is nice is that I can drive there myself.  THAT WAS NOT POSSIBLE JUST A FEW MONTHS AGO.  I had one last procedure done to open my throat after I had surgery to keep the acid reflux down.  But they got it too tight and I could hardly swallow pills.  A surgeon friend from our church went in and enlarged the throat so I don’t have problems with not being able to take things down.
     Life has really changed for me, I am now able to do all the honey do list that my wife has accumulated over the last few years.  When we first moved here I hired a man to come and do all the things that needed to be done.  But for the last six years or so not much has been done.   Our youngest son is also coming over and helping with things like painting.   My arms and legs are still very week and I have to go slow and easy with anything that I do.  I am hoping that I will get my strength back as time goes on.
     For anyone that has a chronic pain problem the new Chronicity Inc. may be the answer.   The Fibro and Fatigue Centers have changed their name to help others with pain problems besides just Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue.   My problem now is sleeping long enough; I wake early and want to get going.  We are in the process of getting the house ready to sell and so all the closets have to be gone through.  It takes time and lots of work to get everything uncluttered and ready to show the house.  We should be ready in about another week.  We will be starting the paperwork on the house this week and then they can start showing it when we are ready.
     I have talked to the staff at the FF Clinics and they are amazed at the change in me in just over four months.  I will continue to work on this blog each time I go to the clinic.  I think of you go back to my most early post you will see that life was really tough for me and I give the Praise to God and the FF Clinic for the change in me.  People are saying that my whole personality has changed, what they don’t know is this is me fifteen years ago.  I am more outspoken and willing to talk today when before I was in so much pain I didn’t talk much.

     I hope some of you will take what I have shared in this blog and see that you too can be free of pills that control the pain.  My VA doctor is floored that I don’t need narcotics just to get through the day. 

Till next time,


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