Sunday, May 22, 2011


     We have been working to get rid of all the things that we have accumulated over the years that we won’t be taking to storage.   We had a moving sale and moved lot’s of little things but not the hot tub that I want to sell.  We are still pulling things out of the house and will have another sale.
I continue to feel great, to get my stomach under control I took a glass of Metamucil at the same time for several days in a row.  It worked and I am feeling better.  I am able to eat and am having a better breakfast than I used to eat.  I was just eating cereal each morning, and now I can’t even think of eating it.  I have some potatoes, eggs and a meat.  This is much better for me, and I am loosing weight like crazy.  I am now down to 180 lbs., I started out last December at 212. But that is not all bad, I did have to go and purchase some new pants. 

     We will see the house go on the market this week.  The realtor expects the house to go in the first week.  We had it hand-i-cap accessible after we purchased it.  It includes two ramps one in the front and the second in the rear.  It also has a role in shower in the master suite.  We are hoping to get all of this finish early in the fall and be on the road.  We found out that the manufacturer of the travel trailer that we want changed to a new, low weight method of manufacturing and that they are backed up.  We won’t be able to even place our order till at least September.  We are told that they will be able to have it in about three weeks by then.

     I was doing some writing a few years ago and a publisher ask me to write my story.  I didn’t feel at the time that God was finished with my story yet and also because I was not well.  I put them off, now I am going to tell the story of how I became sick and how I found a way to get back to life.  Please keep me in your prayers as I go about this project.  I am amazed at how many times people are brought into my life when they need it the most.  The other day I went into our local hardware and met one of the men that has helped find things for me for years.  He was amazed to see me walking and during our chat, a lady came up.  She over heard us talking and ask what was my illness.  When I told her she told me her son was ill with fibro and chronic fatigue and just about to have to quit working.  I shared this blog site and told her that they were welcome to write me.  She was so grateful to know that there were something that could be done for these chronic diseases that might help her son. 

     I don’t know if I will ever get back to work but I would like to think that I will.  In the meantime I will be going around the country telling everyone my story and giving others with FM and Chronic Fatigue, hope that there is a way to get their life back.  See for information on how you can get k-elation therapy and get rid of the pain meds like I have. 

Till next time…