If I am feeling well enough, I get to go to Church and then out to lunch with friends. This is a highlight of my week. I have to be careful not to do anything on Saturday. That excludes using my computer, but not lifting or anything else I know I should not do. It's not hard for me to end up in bed for two to three days because I did something like pull some weeds in the yard. I also changed out a controller for the watering system and put myself in bed for four days with uncontrollable pain. I know this sounds stupid but it's the way it is.
I am on just about the top of pain medications. I take 240mg of morphine daily along with vicodin 5/500 that I can take up to four a day. Sometimes I am just so exhausted I need to sleep endless for 24 to 48 hours. Because of my sinus infection I have been unable to use my "V Pap Adapt" machine to help with the sleep apnea. I feel that I want to try it again tonight.
Please ask questions and I will be glad to answer them.