This was a wonderful day. My aid come in five days a week and wakes me up. Then she makes sure I take my medicines (25 tablets). Then I shave and she helps me with my shower. At this point I can't reach over my shoulder with my right arm, because of a rotator cuff tear. We are going to wait till I have completed the program at the FFC, before we try surgery on this problem.
Well on Saturday I can stay in bed as long as I like. I usually get up before 11 AM because another aid comes to clean for us. That person cleans the bathrooms (including steam cleaning our floors which are stone or tile.) Then the disinfect things that I might touch so I don't get any more germs than necessary. They also change our bedding for the week.
My wife has several medical problems and is unable to get down on the floors to clean. She has a replacement knee on the right and needs a replacement ankle on the left.
After the aid left I took a short nap and then we went to our son's house and I worked on getting the virus out of their computer. Then home early....
We both are working on our computers and my service dog is sleeping at my feet. I enjoy checking out Facebook to see what is happening in the lives of friends and family.
Well this is praying I am able to attend church tomorrow. Then we will have lunch out. This is my time to get out each week. God bless you all and talk to you soon...
If you have questions about my illness or anything just post a note to me and I will try to answer it for everyone to see. If it's private then it will stay that way. Nite...