I am planning on this being a GREAT YEAR!! I have faith that my health will really turn around and I will be able to do lots of things I like. One of them is driving a car... going out target practicing with my son and grandson. I also want to be able to mow my own yard and not have it put me in bed for three days.
PLEASE check out this blog as I start my treatment on Tuesday.... We are going to travel down to Los Vegas tomorrow to get checked in and do some shopping. I want to get to Fry's to check out what is new in computers that I have not seen. I also need to get some memory for a friend.
Tuesday at 8:45 we will be at the clinic and see what they have to say. I know and have been told by them that I will get sicker before I get better... but I have been sicker than I am now so we will see.