Wow what wonderful people that work at the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Center in Las Vegas. I first met with a district manager, She welcomed us and got things set-up for the doctor. She checked to be sure I had filled out the questionare that they send you. There was also some forms they needed that we had to fill out. The manager brought in the lady that works in the lab and also my case manager.
They were all very nice people and we were very at ease with them. Then the doctor came in and we talked about my condition and he assured me that he understood the many different diagnosis I have received. (BTW I heard them talking and they described me as being a train wreck.)
The doctor assured me that they could help me but it was going to take time. I did not get in this condition over night and I was not to expect to recover over night. He also told me that I would NOT be curred but they could relieve many of the conditions I have. The first thing we are working on is pain. The doctor told me that they would be taking lots of blood to find out how my thyroid, adrenal glands and pancrius is working. In the mean time they will treat me with a pain reducing chelation therapy (IV) regiment where I will have two IV's twice a week. The doctor then explained that he would look over my blood test and determine the best course of action for my needs. He said that along with helping with pain removal, we also need to get my immune system working.
Next we met again with the manager and we signed up for the program. They told us what the treatment would cost and what was included in the basic program. She also explained to us the possiblity of additional cost depending on what kinds of virusis or bacteria I have in my body.
Then I went with the lab lady and she took 26 viles of blood. She said it was about one half of the pint that we donate when donating blood. She told me that they would have the results back in about three weeks. She also told me that Medicare would for sure take care of most of this testing but I may be liable for $216.00 if medicare does not pay for thoes test.
My case manager took over and she started an IV on that day and another one on the next day. They refer to this IV as BACK AND MUSCLE IV. The componants include Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin C,B12, B Complex, Lidocaine, Sodium Barcarbonate, Acetyl - L - Carnitine and NADH. Again my case manager was great and I was allowed to set in a recliner while the IV was put into my body. I got to talk with another guy that was being treated with IV at the same time. He has only Chronic Fatigue... ONLY????. But it was nice while setting there that we could share with other patients how things are going for us.
My wife and I were talking on the way home and we both are convinced that they can really help me and give me back most of my life. I could feel the effects of the IV's working already. I will be receiving a number of natural suppliments.
They include:
COQ10 400
All of these were perscribed by the doctor for me and is not a list that you should go out and get for yourself. A years worth of these and others the doctor perscribes is included in the basic package. We are committed to do as this doctor says and if I can received the 80 to 90 percent improvement that is standard with all their patients I will be really glad.
Don't wait till your as bad as me to look up the closest Fibromyalgiareturne to life again.
Thanks for reading this and Please leave a note for me to help encourage me or let me know how your doing.
Till next time,
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