Sunday, January 30, 2011


     I had lots of new things going on with my body this past week and now we have a weather front coming through.  I have been down most of the last three days.  I am not upset by this because I was told up front, that it would get worse before it got better.   Trying to jump start my immune system is a big job and it will take time.  Their concept is to get my immune system going then it and some medicines can fight the diseases that are running around in my system...   One of which is Epstein Barr,  this is a very bad version of mono.  These diseases are able to be in my body because my immune system is so compromised. 

     I am looking forward to feeling so much better but for now I will fight through this CRUD till we can get my body in shape to fight off the simple colds and more.  Just keep praying that I will get back to something like my old self. 

     I can tell of changes because of the lack of need for extra break through pain pills.  Also my mind is clearer now that it has been.  I keep asking if I am going to get a brain like the Tin man.  For the last many years my brain didn't work right and if I got tired it would just shut down.

Best to all of you... and God Bless you...


Saturday, January 29, 2011


     They have been treating me with two different IV’s.  The first one I have talked about it’s is “BACK AND PAIN” this stuff really works.  As an example on Monday of this week Deborah took me to my Doctor’s Appointment.  Then she went to the dentist.  When I was done I didn’t see her so I called and ask what happened to her.  She told me she just got set on the chair and would be over one more hour.

     I decided to go to a near by restaurant and have some lunch.  I did not really think how far it was.  Well I walked about four (4) long blocks, all up hill.  I had some pain in my caves and was afraid of what I would feel like the next day.   I woke up with no extra pain, YES , that is the farthest I have walked in 15 years.  THIS STUFF IS WORKING!!!

     I got two IV’s of the brain meds.  This stuff puts back what is missing in our brain and goes through the blood/brain barrier.  What a blessing this place is.  It’s is not even a month and I am doing better.

God Bless you all…  

P.S. I will be posting the supplements that I am taking later this week.  The number one thing they want to get fixed is my iron level is four times lower than is should be.  We will be working on that.

Friday, January 21, 2011


     This whole experience with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Center has been a wonderful experience.   I had my fifth and sixth “pain and back” iv and I was feeling great.  Then as most men are I didn’t want to see my wife lift the entire luggage, I lifted some, that put me in a flare.  So on Wednesday night I was not feeling well.   Then when I woke on Thursday morning when I woke I knew what I did was Dumb!  I had to take two breakthrough pain meds to help me be able to get up a few hours later.  I went in and had my sixth iv and then I saw the doctor.
     All of my blood test came in and he was able to see what was going on with me.  My thyroid T3 was very low and he prescribed a prescription to help get that back in order.  There are several places that are way too high and some way to low.  With glands you have to nudge it a little and it changes many things.  The doctor also prescribed two medicines and two more supplements for me to use.  The supplements are included in my package, but the medicines are not.  I will try to have the VA get them for me so I don’t have to pay for them.
     I will be putting up a list of the supplements I am taking soon as a page.  So when you see the main page it’s on the bar that is at the top.   You just have to select which page you want to read.
     I am very encouraged at this point.  I am feeling better and using less pain medications to just get by.  I am looking forward to the day when I don’t need 29 different drugs every day.
God Bless you all.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


     My wife just refilled my medicine boxes and she noticed something... I have not taken any extra pain meds for 7 days now.  Before going to Fibro and Fatigue Centers I used all my morphine and all my extra break through pain meds.  I didn't even realize that I had not been going back for more pain meds.  I just finished my 4th IV treatment with pain and back.  This treatment is described in an earlier post.

     Now I have started the primary vitamins and minerals that the doctor ordered for me.  I have started with Digestizyme-b from a company called NutriElements.  FCC feels that this company has the purest and best product they can recommend.   I started out with one tablet a day, today I took two tablets until I get to three tab a day.  They recommended this for me to start is because of the problems I have with stomach and digestion.  With all the narcotics it numbs my digestive track and it doesn't want to work.  This will help me get that all going.  

I  AM LOOKING FORWARD TO THE DAY WHEN I CAN STOP TAKING MORPHINE OR ANY NARCOTICS.  My doctor said it would be with in four months.    YAH!!!!

I have nine different vitamins and minerals that I will be taking.  Watch my post for more information.

Thanks for reading this and may God bless you.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


     I had my third treatment today,  I can feel it helping already.   I am getting chelation therapy (IV's) with the solution is in an earlier post her on my blog.  It takes about one and a half hours to get these Iv's.   I will get another one tomorrow then next week Wed & Thursday.   Then we are hoping that my blood work will be back next week so I can see the Dr Thursday at 230.  Then he should have a plan how to fix me.

     My pain levels are going down slowly but surely.  This is to help with pain management.  My pain level was not being cared for with my regular meds.  This IV's are helping so that the pain meds. I do take are taking care of all my pain.   I am told that I won't need the narcotics in a few months.  I am all for that.....

Till next time,


Friday, January 7, 2011

I got a response from the on line questionare I took.

     I always thought that doctors that were holistic only used weeds and seeds to cure their patients. I learned that what they really do is look at the whole person not just a single problem, like my MD does. This means that they will not only find a way for this pain to stop hurting, but will also find out what is causing the problem and correct it at the source. I am taking over 25 different prescriptions that only mask or hide the pain, they do not go to the root of the problem and find out what is wrong with me.

Till next time,


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Check out the list of Diagnosis I have received.

This unbeleavable list is posted under the pages section which is at the top of the page.  My doctor at the FFC was amazed at all the things I have been through during my disability with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue.  The worse part is because it destroyed my immune system I caught everything that came around.  Check out where I got dandruff.  I have layed my life open to all that reads this.  I have not held back on anything because I wanted the world to see what horable things we who have these two deseases go through.

I had my first visit at the FFC and I put a post on my blog telling about that and how excited we are that some of the pain and other problems caused by this CRUD will be going away.

Check out my blog at
I would appreciate if you left me some comments.
God Bless all of you.


     Wow what wonderful people that work at the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Center in Las Vegas.  I first met with a district manager, She welcomed us and got things set-up for the doctor.  She checked to be sure I had filled out the questionare that they send you.   There was also some forms they needed that we had to fill out.  The manager brought in the lady that works in the lab and also my case manager.
     They were all very nice people and we were very at ease with them.  Then the doctor came in and we talked about my condition and he assured me that he understood the many different diagnosis I have received.  (BTW I heard them talking and they described me as being a train wreck.) 
The doctor assured me that they could help me but it was going to take time.  I did not get in this condition over night and I was not to expect to recover over night.  He also told me that I would NOT be curred but they could relieve many of the conditions I have.  The first thing we are working on is pain.  The doctor told me that they would be taking lots of blood to find out how my thyroid, adrenal glands and pancrius is working.  In the mean time they will treat me with a pain reducing chelation therapy (IV) regiment where I will have two IV's twice a week.  The doctor then explained that he would look over my blood test and determine the best course of action for my needs.  He said that along with helping with pain removal, we also need to get my immune system working.

    Next we met again with the manager and we signed up for the program.  They told us what the treatment would cost and what was included in the basic program.  She also explained to us the possiblity of  additional cost depending on what kinds of virusis or bacteria I have in my body.

     Then I went with the lab lady and she took 26 viles of blood.  She said it was about one half of the pint that we donate when donating blood.   She told me that they would have the results back in about three weeks.  She also told me that Medicare would for sure take care of most of this testing but I may be liable for $216.00 if medicare does not pay for thoes test.

     My case manager took over and she started an IV on that day and another one on the next day.  They refer to this IV as BACK AND MUSCLE IV.  The componants include Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin C,B12, B Complex, Lidocaine, Sodium Barcarbonate, Acetyl - L - Carnitine and NADH.   Again my case manager was great and I was allowed to set in a recliner while the IV was put into my body.  I got to talk with another guy that was being treated with IV at the same time.  He has only Chronic Fatigue... ONLY????.   But it was nice while setting there that we could share with other patients how things are going for us.

     My wife and I were talking on the way home and we both are convinced that they can really help me and give me back most of my life.  I could feel the effects of the IV's working already.  I will be receiving a number of natural suppliments. 

They include:
COQ10 400

      All of these were perscribed by the doctor for me and is not a list that you should go out and get for yourself.  A years worth of these and others the doctor perscribes is included in the basic package.    We are committed to do as this doctor says and if I can received the 80 to 90 percent improvement that is standard with all their patients I will be really glad. 

     Don't wait till your as bad as me to look up the closest Fibromyalgiareturne to life again.  Thanks for reading this and Please leave a note for me to help encourage me or let me know how your doing.

Till next time,


Sunday, January 2, 2011


     I am planning on this being a GREAT YEAR!!   I have faith that my health will really turn around and I will be able to do lots of things I like.   One of them is driving a car...  going out target practicing  with my son and grandson.  I also want to be able to mow my own yard and not have it put me in bed for three days.

     PLEASE check out this blog as I start my treatment on Tuesday....   We are going to travel down to Los Vegas tomorrow to get checked in and do some shopping.  I want to get to Fry's to check out what is new in computers that I have not seen.  I also need to get some memory for a friend.

    Tuesday at 8:45 we will be at the clinic and see what they have to say.   I know and have been told by them that I will get sicker before I get better... but I have been sicker than I am now so we will see.