Friday, October 8, 2010


     I woke up feeling better than I did yesterday.  My Aid came at 10 AM and took my blood pressure… it was fine.  Then my 25 pills and some apple juice to wash them down.  Then I shaved and prepared myself for a shower.  I set on a shower stool and my Aid comes in the room and washes my hair because I cannot us my left arm over my head.  She then hands me a washcloth and I was my face.  Then I hand it back to her and she puts on some bath soap and washes my back. 

Then she moves to the other side of the bathroom.  I finish washing the rest of my body.  Then I stand and rinse off, being careful to get all the soap off my body.  Then I reach out and get my bath towel and dry the upper part of my body.  Then I wrap the towel around my middle and leave the shower and set on the commode.   The Aid then dry’s my hair with a hand towel, in winter she also uses a dryer.  She then leaves the room and makes my bed while waiting for me.  I finish drying and put on a pair of shorts and go set on my bed. 

While I am setting there she applies a medicine to the sores on my arms, sides, and legs.  They are getting better but it has taken a long time.   The sores are from a bacteria that lives in our noses.  This one also attacked my body, because of my wonderful immune system.  If I am going out she helps me dress otherwise we set and talk till her time to leave a 11 AM.  On Thursdays she takes out all the trash in the house and places the garbage bins to the street, about 10 feet.  Then on Saturday at 11AM one of the Aids come in and does cleaning.  The clean the bathrooms and steam clean the floors.  Then they sweep the main part of the house and also steam clean it also.  After that they do whatever my wife has for them till they use up their two hours.  It is great to have someone there to help me every weekday morning.  On the weekends my wife makes sure I take my meds then lets me sleep till I wake up. 

Our church does not meet until 4PM on Sunday because we share a pastor with another church.  As they find a replacement at the other church then we will have the Pastor full time.  I wrote out my routine so you could see what has been happing for the last six years of my life.

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